
Biotin Food Sources 11 Important Natural Sources

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin B7. It is present in all living cells and is essential for cellular metabolism. Biotin is also known as vitamin H, coenzyme R, and vitamin B7. Biotin is used by all living things, plants, animals, and even single-celled organisms. Biotin is necessary for the metabolism of proteins and the conversion of sugar into usable energy, it is also needed for the production of hormones and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Biotin promotes healthy hair, skin, and nails. Mammals, including humans, cannot manufacture biotin and it must be obtained from food sources or from biotin capsules. Biotin deficiency is rare but serious as it is a vitamin necessary for normal fetal development and deficiency during pregnancy may lead to birth defects and today we are talking about the most important sources of biotin .

Biotin related protein sources:

Many foods contain some biotin, but the concentration in most of them is negligible from a nutritional point of view. Other foods that have a very high content of biotin, such as kidneys and liver, are the most concentrated food source. Milk, dairy products, and seafood are other sources rich in biotin. And although egg yolks are high in biotin, they also contain a chemical that interferes with biotin absorption.

Biotin-based plant foods:

Although many types of animal foods contain biotin, it contains biotin bound to protein. Plants contain free biotin, which is more bioavailable. This means that getting enough biotin from a plant-based diet is possible, and given the many other health benefits associated with a plant-based diet, it is also the healthiest option, and since we are only recently beginning to understand the importance of biotin, nutritionists are still They are improving accurate methods for measuring biotin concentration in food. As such, estimates of biotin content vary greatly for some foods and are completely lacking for many others and after extensive research, we have compiled this list of the best foods that contain biotin.

What are the sources of biotin?

1– Nuts:

Although the concentration of biotin varies according to the type of nut and nuts, in general, it is one of the best food sources of free biotin. One hundred grams of pecans contains about 28 micrograms of biotin; The same amount of peanuts or walnuts contains approximately 37 mcg, and nuts are also a great source of energy, omega fatty acids, and other heart-healthy nutrients.

2– Sunflower seeds are healthy for the heart:

Sunflower seeds are rich in magnesium and rich in antioxidants, a handful of sunflower seeds makes a great snack. They are also an excellent source of biotin, as one hundred grams of sunflower seeds contain 66 micrograms of biotin

3– Legumes:

Legumes are another excellent source of biotin, especially green peas. Peas contain 40 mcg of biotin per 100 g when fresh and 70 mcg when dried; Lentils provide 40 micrograms of biotin, and legumes are rich in folic acid and promote digestion.

4– Cauliflower:

Cauliflower is great for detoxifying the liver and is full of healthy nutrients, one of which is biotin. One serving of cauliflower provides 5% of your daily biotin requirement. Cauliflower is also rich in vitamin C and many other health-promoting compounds.

5– Bananas:

Most types of fruit are not a very good source of biotin except for bananas. One medium-sized, peeled banana (about 100 grams) contains 1.18 mcg of biotin. Bananas are also a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and vitamins A and C. and B6.

6– Grains:

Many grains are a good source of biotin. Rice bran contains a high concentration, 66 mcg per 100g, and 100g of barley and oatmeal contains 31 and 24 mcg, respectively.

7- Sweet Potatoes:

Sweet potatoes are among the highest biotin-containing vegetables. Half a cup of cooked sweet potatoes contains about 2.4 micrograms of biotin and only 90 calories. Sweet are also rich in beta-carotene, which the potatoes body converts into Vitamin A, making it another good option for those who want to improve the health of their skin

8– Avocado:

A medium-sized avocado contains between 2 to 6 mcg of biotin, according to some sources. Like nuts and seeds, avocados are a rich source of vitamin E.

  1. Salmon
  2. is a fatty fish rich in protein, omega-3s, and other nutrients that contribute to healthy skin and strong hair. It is also a good source of biotin. A 3-ounce cooked serving contains up to 5 mcg of biotin.

10– Dairy Products:

Milk, cheese, and yogurt contain biotin in varying amounts. In a comparative study of 23 types of cheese, Camembert and blue cheese were found to be among the most biotin-rich.

11– Egg Yolk:

Egg yolk is another food rich in biotin with a whole, cooked egg providing up to 10 mcg. To achieve maximum biotin intake, eggs must be cooked before eating, this is due to a protein called dietary avidin, which is found in raw egg whites and binds to biotin, preventing it from being absorbed by the body. Cooking separates the biotin from the avidin to allow it to be absorbed in the digestive system.

There are many other good sources of biotin: Carrots, leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, berries, and mushrooms can all contribute significantly to your daily biotin intake. Yeast is also incredibly high in biotin, as do yeast-derived products such as cereal bread. complete.

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